Our Firm

Our core area of expertise lies in Agricultural and Food commodities, with a predominate focus on sub-saharan Africa. We are able to provide considerable commodity and agricultural expertise and consultancy in remote and challenging environments.

We manage and invest in tangible commodity-related infrastructure where we have identified the potential to add significant value to existing operations.

We are also principal traders in specific commodity areas and can act as introducers and brokers of physical commodity transactions.

The Company also provides a full-service consultancy in specific physical and future commodity related areas including shipping/handling, risk management/mitigation and hedging.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to generate sustainable profit from well-planned, and professionally executed, agricultural and food based businesses predominately in sub-saharan Africa.

We additionally believe that there is considerable synergy between commercial agricultural and resource investment and aid based funding. Provided that basic ethical guidelines are established and adhered to, the combination of aid funding in association with fully commercial investment will allow for far greater social provisions and commercial sustainability.

We have demonstrably proven this in existing projects where investment in schooling, medical facilities and social infrastructure resulted in regenerated village communities. Where aid agencies are prepared to work alongside commercial farming and processing organisations in the same project, both parties bring their own specific skills and contribution to the table, and without contradiction.

Additionally, there is growing awareness among global investors of their moral and ethical obligations regarding their investments into the developing world, both towards the communities and to the sustainability and protection of the environmental resource.

Request more information

    Contact Us:
    Hill House, Swanton Morley
    Norfolk, NR20 4QB
    United Kingdom.
    Tel Nos
    +44 (0) 1362 638343
    +44 (0) 7768  356277
